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Cime Collections

An e-commerce experience driven by storytelling and elegance

ProjectWebsite, E-commerce
CapabilitiesWeb design, Design system, Digital identity

Cime Collections, a specialized retailer in high-end home furniture, were looking to establish a digital brand identity and design a bespoke e-commerce platform. The objective was to create an elegant and user-friendly site that could scale with their growth. Together with Field Office, I designed an immersive experience, focusing on showcasing furniture, designers, and brands. Thoughtful filters and interactive elements ensured a seamless user experience.

The result is an elegant platform that successfully highlights Cime collections' high-end offerings. By focusing on user experience and storytelling, the site aims to captivate visitors, inviting them to explore and connect with their collections. With a solid foundation for scalability, Cime Collections is well-positioned to make a lasting impact in the market and grow their brand presence further.


Agency: Field Office

Web design: Taylor Reddam-Woo

Design system: Taylor Reddam-Woo

Motion: Taylor Reddam-Woo

Development: Romain Penaruiz, JP Lauzon

Logo design: Tarek Ghaleb (Cime Decor)

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