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An eCommerce experience that's helping moving culture forward

ProjectWebsite, E-commerce
CapabilitiesWeb design, Wireframing, Motion

Togethxr is a media and commerce company founded by some of the world's best athletes. They were in need of a robust website to not only showcase their products, but also host all the video series and films they produce. Together with Field Office, I crafted a visually striking platform making use of bold typography, hand drawn elements and dynamic layouts. We carefully designed the commerce side with a light theme and the media side with a dark theme, allowing them to overlap and intertwine harmoniously. This creative approach helped maintain the distinction between the two facets while ensuring a seamless user experience.

The resulting website became a vibrant and inclusive space, where culture, activism, lifestyle, and sports converged. Our creative approach successfully showcased their mission, resonating with the audience and fostering unity while driving engagement with their products and compelling media content.


Agency: Field Office

Brand identity: Cusp

Development: Romain Penaruiz, Jean Philippe Lauzon

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